Our Products

HerSecure's patent-pending design includes a non-invasive, comfortable, and easy to use Pressure Guard to help prevent leakage before it starts, avoiding the need to mask any longer. We're helping women with urinary incontinence to move freely anywhere, at any time.

HerSecure Pressure Guard 3D Rendering (Waistband is Shown for Illustration Purposes to Show How the Device Attaches to the Wearer’s Own Undergarment)

Front of Device Prototype (Attaches to the Front of the Wearer’s Undergarment’s Waistband)

Back of device Prototype (Attaches to the Back of the Wearer’s Undergarment Waistband)

At HerSecure, we don’t believe in “MASKING” the problem as many current products on the market do and we don’t treat UI as JUST a physical symptom.  We understand that UI affects all aspects of a woman’s life - physically, mentally, and socially.  And that’s why we are focused on a HOLISTIC non-invasive leakage prevention treatment that is not only EFFECTIVE, but also discreet, comfortable, and easy to use.  We want women to live well and wholly bringing with you just U and not UI.  

Our patent-pending Pressure Guard is an external wearable FDA class I device that attaches to a user’s undergarment and applies a constant, safe, and RELIABLE pressure to the urethral meatus counteracting bladder pressure and stopping leakage in its tracts.  

10 women wore a prototype of the HerSecure Pressure Guard as part of an early product test and none of the women experienced any leakage episodes while wearing the device and they also reported that the device was comfortable and easy to use.